Planet of God’s humor

13 12 2007

God Laughing

I remember writing to myself “Life would be life as long as funny remains funny”. Humans in general, and men in particular, take immense pride in their sense of humor. We see it as a measure of wit, intelligence and humility all at the same time. Given that it is such a pleasant quality, would it makes sense to accord God with a sense of humor better than any living being? After all, He is the Superior being, and any good quality found in such relative abundance (almost all men believe they have it, whether they are honest about it or not can’t be said, but either ways, that beats honesty fair and square), would manifest itself in greater abundance in the divine being. It certainly appears to me to be the logical conclusion. The only reason God would not have a greater sense of humor, then appears to be if God was not logical. But since we human beings are logical, the same logic rebounds on itself that he must be logical too!
The other simple reason is to believe there is no special God person anyways. I disagree with this belief on grounds that it is the smarter thing to do. Believing in Him doesn’t seriously affect my present life and can only do good things for my after life. So having settled that God exists and must have a sense of humor, it goes without saying, it would larger and more lavish than anything we’ve experienced. How big would this sense of humor be? That depends entirely on the size of God you believe in. But is it rash to admit he would for his amusement, build a planet to get a few good laughs? I do not think so. In fact, I believe earth is that “planet of God’s humor”. It is a far shot, but some days it seems like the only good explanation.
We on earth have either not got the joke as yet, or maybe we are finding it hard to be at the butt end of the joke. Human beings have discovered the most glorified way of existence as could be for the survival of any species. It is apparent that the pressure of being the most intelligent specie on the planet, clearly got to us. In our bid to outdo the dolphins (recognized as the second most intelligent specie, by the way) by a fairly large amount, we chose to build this entire network of relations, rituals and society.
To enumerate all the instances at which mankind as a whole has acted funny, would be too big a task for me. I can just offer glimpses of the ludicrous behavior that I see around everyday. To start with we have the mesh of virtues and vices. We have these confusing definitions of what is right and what is not. some of them are outrightly crazy. Ambition of earning money is a “low” ambition, while working to become a successful business man is a “good” ambition. Helping others because it makes you famous (which makes you happy), is selfish while helping others because it makes you happy is not. <TO BE CONTINUED>

Hello world!

24 11 2007

A customary “Hello World” from a software developer 🙂